How we work
Global Reparations Study
Recognising the lack of a comprehensive catalogue and accounting of reparation practices around the world, the Global Survivors Fund (GSF) has undertaken a global study on reparation for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence.
This Global Reparations Study focuses on the status of and opportunities for reparation for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence across 25 countries, with each country having its own report.
Each study makes recommendations on further action according to the rights and needs of survivors as identified by survivors in that country. They bring together multiple authors or contributors, so that to date, we have worked with more than 40 local and international partners, survivors’ networks, and groups.
These studies have involved more than 1000 survivors as participants.
Global Reparations Studies completed
survivors participated in making studies in 2023
Our methodology places survivors at the centre of the process. In doing so, every study represents findings according to in-depth dialogues with survivors. Their views and perceptions about reparations inform the contextualised recommendations found in each report.
The outcomes of the studies are then used to inform governments on the actions necessary to meet their obligation to award reparations. The studies serve as an advocacy tool for a multitude of stakeholders, including GSF.
We produced preliminary findings on the opportunity for reparation in 16 countries that were presented during a High-Level side event organised during the 76th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2021. This event was co-organised with the UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, and the Governments of France, Japan, Korea, and the United Kingdom.
What became clear, even in these initial findings, is that reparation is needed from the moment a person has been subjected to sexual violence in conflict. Waiting until the end of the conflict, the closing of aid delivery, the development of a transitional justice process, or the verdict of a legal case is not an option if meaningful and comprehensive reparation is to be made.
Also made plain, is that only those who have suffered conflict-related sexual violence truly know what they have suffered and what they need. Reparation programmes must be co-created with survivors to ensure they are fit for purpose and allow survivors to move forward, reclaim their dignity, and rebuild their lives. Our role is to facilitate this right to reparation, taking every opportunity to create spaces for survivors to have ownership of processes that are reparative and inclusive.
Our participation is what will guarantee that reparations really fulfill their goals, that we truly feel part of the process. Above all, it will guarantee our leadership and empowerment which is fundamental to fight stigma.
Angela, survivor of conflict-related sexual violence and SEMA member from Colombia (Speech at Belgian MFA, November 2019)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
In collaboration with TRIAL International and Vive Zene
Country Briefing
In collaboration with Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits de l’Homme and Redress
In collaboration with Genfami, Caribe Afirmativo and Asociación de Mujeres Afrodescendientes del Norte del Cauca
Côte d'Ivoire
In collaboration with Confédération des organisations de victimes de la crise ivoirienne (COVICI).
Democratic Republic of the Congo
In collaboration with La Fondation Panzi RDC, La Fondation Dr. Denis Mukwege, and MNSVS-RDC
In collaboration with ICTJ, Women Association for Victims Empowerment (WAVE) and the Gender Platform for Transitional Justice (GPTJ)
Global Study
Country Briefing
In collaboration with Grace Agenda, Civil Society Organisation Network
Global Study
Country Briefing
In collaboration with ICTJ, Nagarik Aawaz, and Conflict Victim Women’s National Network (CVWN)
Country Briefing
South Sudan
In collaboration with Rights for Peace, Dialogue & Research Institute (DRI) and the Centre for Inclusive Governance, Peace & Justice (CIGPJ)
Global Study
Country Briefing
In collaboration with Rights for Peace, Nuba Women for Education and Development Association, and Salmeen Charity.
Global Study
Country Briefing
Syrian Arab Republic
In collaboration with the Association of Detainees and the Missing of Sednaya Prison and Women Now for Development.
Country Briefing
In collaboration with Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) and Assosiasaun Chega! Ba Ita (ACbit).
Global Study
In collaboration with ICTJ and the Women’s Advocacy Network (WAN)