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How we work



In Ukraine, we are working with survivors and with the government to establish an urgent interim reparations programme for conflict-related sexual violence*. In April 2023 we hosted a week-long study visit for government ministries, civil society actors, and survivors in Geneva. Together we worked on a draft law that has passed its first reading in parliament.

*Measures provided by States to victims of violations to address the most urgent and immediate consequences of such violations, until such time as comprehensive reparations may be implemented.



In Colombia, we are working with survivors and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace to ensure that the harm of conflict-related sexual violence is reflected, acknowledged, and results in adequate and effective reparation for survivors.



In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we have been providing advice to the government on the establishment of a National Reparation Fund for conflict-related sexual violence survivors and other crimes (FONAREV). At the same time, we are supporting and participating in a national Reparation Advocacy Alliance to ensure international standards.



In Guinea, we are using the Guide and Advocate pillars of our work together to support the government with drafting a law to establish a reparation programme for victims of gross human rights violations since 1958, including survivors of conflict-related sexual violence of the 2009 stadium massacre.

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