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A trial against several high-ranking officials finally began on 28 September 2022, but to date, no survivor has received reparation.

Guinea became the site of our first Act project in 2019, and we have been working hand-in-hand with survivors and civil society organisations. Together, we co-created a programme of interim reparative measures to help survivors rebuild their lives in the absence of reparations issued by the State.

I testified. It was not easy to speak to a judge and tell my story. But I was supported in doing so. I dared doing it.

— Oumou Barry, Survivor of 28 September

Project partners

Association des victimes, parents et amis du 28 septembre (AVIPA)

Organisation Guinéenne de Défense des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen (OGDH)

WAKILI-Entrepreneurs du Monde








Interim reparative measures being co-created with survivors

Survivors have participated in the design of the reparative measures for both individuals and the collective community of survivors. All measures were tailored to meet their needs, improve their livelihoods, and address the mental and physical effects of the harms perpetrated against them. The interim reparative measures survivors chose are:

Survivors' centre;
Financial compensation for education or a housing project;
Medical care;
Pschological support;
A collective memory book;
Financial management training.

Each survivor developed a plan to make the best use of their compensation and participated in regular trainings to bring this plan to fruition. Almost all survivors sought to become financially independent through the project. For example, some chose to buy a plot of land for agriculture, while others bought a motorcycle-taxi. In parallel, one-on-one psychological therapy group therapy, family mediations was made available to survivors. Many also received gynaecological treatment. Among survivors who participated in an impact evaluation, quality of life ratings almost doubled because of the project. Survivors felt mentally and physically better, and more confident in themselves and their future.

28 September 2023 gathered survivors and their families, the Minister of Justice and other representatives from the government, representatives from the international community, civil society actors, and the media for the inauguration of their collective centre. It is a safe space where survivors of the 28 September massacre, and survivors of all sexual and gender-based violence, can come together, support each other, and work on collective activities like livelihood projects and awareness-raising sessions. This marked the end of our first interim reparative measures project.

Progress on reparation

There has been progress on the establishment of an administrative reparation programme by the Guinean authorities. In March, GSF organised the first of two roundtables in Conakry, where we shared lessons learnt from the interim reparative measures project in hopes of supporting the development of a survivor-centred policy on reparation. The Minister of Justice and Human Rights subsequently requested to receive technical support from GSF. 

The second roundtable, a high-level exchange, took place in September 2023. A comprehensive national reparation law was drafted as an outcome of the roundtable and was shared with the Minister of Justice and Human Rights. The draft covers all survivors of human rights violations in Guinea, from 1958 to today, while giving the priority to survivors of the 28 September massacre. 

Survivor testimonies from Guinea

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